Summer is almost here and with it comes a new array of challenges to keep kids occupied. While there are no learning requirements you need to meet for the next three months, it is best for both you and your child(ren) to keep an exciting stream of educational activities available. They’ll stay busy and be more than ready to start up with the curriculum in the fall!

  1. Art Activities
    Fostering creativity in your child is extremely important and a blank canvas is the best way to do that. Grab some inexpensive art supplies from a nearby store, lay out newspapers (or move outside) and let your child paint, draw, or color away! Sidewalk chalk is a great summer twist as well. Be sure to offer words of encouragement and minimize your critiques (unless your child is using inappropriate language, for example). This is your child’s time to explore what they love and want to express.


  1. Meal Planning
    Getting your kids involved in meal planning teaches them the basics of nutrition and makes them less likely to reject the food on their plates. Once a week, sit down with your children and discuss some meal options together. See what foods they seem excited about, and take the opportunity to explain nutrition basics like the importance of vegetables and why some snacks are healthier than others. They may not complain about the next round of broccoli when they know it can pretty much give them superpowers!


  1. Summer Reading List
    Summer is the perfect time to read, read, read! Foster a love of reading in your children by allowing them to get excited on their own. Don’t make reading feel like a chore – create a very doable reading goal based on their level and interest in books and work together to find books they are interested in. You can even offer a prize for reaching their goal – an evening out for ice cream or a trip to the movies can go a long way! Make sure to ask them about the stories they’re reading as well to show you’re interested in the books too. They may feel more inclined to read so they can have something to share in your conversations.


  1. Get Ideas From Your Kids
    Parenting Hack #1: Have your kids do the work. Ask your children what they want to accomplish this summer. Are they hoping to visit the water park? See a particular movie when it comes out? Spend time in the park? You probably won’t be able to do everything they ask for (playing video games for eight hours a day isn’t a great plan) but working some of their suggestions into your summer plans will make them feel valued and included. They’re also more likely to do things they aren’t super excited for (like chores or reading) if they’re working towards an activity they helped plan.


Since 2004, Global Student Network has been a leader in providing innovative online curriculum to homeschooling families and partnering schools throughout the world.  GSN offers a wide range of online curriculum options.  We have over 2000 course offerings including Honors, AP®, World Languages, and Career and Technical Education courses.  Our program has been used by homeschool families as well as public, private, and charter schools, both nationally and internationally.  Year-round enrollment makes GSN a great curriculum option for summer school.   Learn more about or try a demo of GSN’s curriculum here: