
Black History Month

Black History Month

February is Black History Month, and it’s a very important way for your kids to learn about our history and heritage. Also known as African American History Month, it’s a way for us Americans to celebrate and recognize everything the African American community has...

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What Fathers Can Teach Their Daughters

What Fathers Can Teach Their Daughters

With a rising self-awareness of gender roles and LGBTQ+ acceptance, it may seem hard navigating the ins and outs of parenthood, no matter your gender and your children’s gender. But when all is said and done, both parents play a pivotal role in showing their children...

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The Joy of Cooking (with Kids!)

The Joy of Cooking (with Kids!)

Cooking can be a great opportunity to learn and experience a whole new world of cuisines and techniques. Whether you are a skilled pro in the kitchen or are wanting to spend more time cooking rather than eating out or making quick meals, cooking in house can be a fun...

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The Importance of Taking Breaks

The Importance of Taking Breaks

Now more than ever, the practice of taking breaks needs to be implemented thoroughly with kids in school and at home. Kids may not really understand how constant of a day they are having until they are overstimulated or simply wiped out. It’s always a good idea to...

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Teaching Kids About Banking

Teaching Kids About Banking

Although banking has changed a lot in the past decade, it is still vital to make sure your children understand the importance of saving and using their money correctly. Now more than ever, the importance of saving is becoming more and more of a necessity younger in...

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Recognizing Learning Disabilities

Recognizing Learning Disabilities

Children, whether your own or your children’s friends, come in all shapes and sizes. They are all going to be unique and beautiful representations of who they are as individuals. The best way you can support them is to let them be themselves, flaws and all. If you...

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Parents Saving For College Earlier

Parents Saving For College Earlier

With rising college costs, you and your partner may be realizing the need to start saving earlier for your children’s education. With rising costs happening on many products, college tuition is included as well. Whether you have been thinking about saving early or...

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Goals Instead of Resolutions

Goals Instead of Resolutions

Every year it is always the same – people tend to look inward and focus on what resolutions they can put into place for the coming year. But resolutions are not always a good thing, and oftentimes will be left by the wayside after a few months. If your older kids are...

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Dyslexia: Everything to Know

Dyslexia: Everything to Know

Many children struggle with comprehending, writing and reading. This can always be due to a wide variety of causes, and some can be internal while others can be external. Sometimes, though, children may be dealing with dyslexia and not even be aware of it, which can...

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Three Popular College Majors

Three Popular College Majors

If your teen is already thinking about college, the most important decision to make first is picking a major of study. It can seem tricky for a lot of kids to try and narrow down what they want to do in life at such a young age, and may be feeling the pressure....

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How Handwriting is Still Necessary

How Handwriting is Still Necessary

Your children may scoff upon hearing about the power of the pen, but it is true. Handwriting is a skill, but also a necessary skill when it comes to education and learning. Kids may turn their noses at a pen and paper, instead turning to the nearest laptop, tablet, or...

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Encouraging Emotional Intelligence in Your Kids

Encouraging Emotional Intelligence in Your Kids

In an ever-involving world, you may struggle in what to specifically teach your children about the world, how they view society, and how they treat others. These may seem like big topics, but a lot of learning is done through a person’s emotions. It all boils down to...

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Keeping Up with The Holidays

Keeping Up with The Holidays

This year is soon coming to an end, and we all know that means there are plenty of holidays and celebrations coming up. Between Thanksgiving, Christmas, Black Friday, and New Year’s, there is not a shortage of travel, food, family, and fun! But all that running around...

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Gratitude Every Day

In the daily hustle and bustle of work, school, kid’s sports and after-school activities and your own schedule, it can be hard to take a breath and remember the good that you have in your life. Everything that is social media and news related is always going to spin...

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Motivating Your Kids to Complete New Tasks

Motivating Your Kids to Complete New Tasks

We already know how difficult it can be to get our kids to complete chores or other responsibilities on a daily basis, let alone if a new task is added to their plate. So how can you best motivate them to accomplish it and stick with it? Make It Less New Kids and...

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Literacy and Language in Early Childhood

Literacy and Language in Early Childhood

Every child, as soon as they open their eyes, is constantly learning about the world around them. And once they reach the age where they begin to read, write, and speak, they can quickly learn both positive and negative things! In these critical stages, it’s always a...

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National Family Literacy Day

National Family Literacy Day

You may not know, but National Family Literacy Day is November 1st! This is a great time to gather around as a family and read together some of your favorite books. Your kids may love or hate reading, so this month can be a great time to support either side of the...

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Healthier Candy for Trick O’ Treaters

Healthier Candy for Trick O’ Treaters

Your kids may roll their eyes when you explain that you want to hand out less sugary sweets this Halloween, but it’s always a good idea to have a wide variety handy for kids when they come around the block. Many kids may have allergies to specific foods, and having a...

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Increasing Long Term Memory Skills

Increasing Long Term Memory Skills

Does it feel like you are constantly reminding your child or teen about something that just happened? Do you feel like they are not retaining information told to them on a regular basis? Increasing long term memory is the next best thing in helping your child or teen...

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Fall Festival Time!

Fall Festival Time!

Most people can agree that Fall is a spectacular time of year; the leaves are beginning to change, there’s a crispness to the air without being bitterly cold, and sweater weather is just around the corner. For some parents, though, Fall can be a little stressful with...

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Dealing with Whining Children

Dealing with Whining Children

Maybe your children have been extra needy recently, or with the beginning of summer, they have wanted to go out and do more and more things. But if you find yourself having to end every conversation as if it is a debate, you may have some children who are unwilling to...

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