July 4th is just around the corner, you may already be planning the day. There’s barbecues to attend (or host), pool parties to splash in, and of course, fireworks! Whether you are setting some off yourself or going to attend the city-wide celebration, always be conscious of how your kids feel this 4th of July.

Safety First!

If you are setting off fireworks in your backyard or at a friends, it is always super important to be as safe as possible, no matter the age of your children. If they are under ten years old, make sure they are very far away from the actual “blast” area so no sparks or any other debris may make it onto their clothing or hair. Even though your teen or young adult may want to set off fireworks, it is never a good idea, no matter how responsible they are. Accidents can happen at any time, and even if they are being cautious, they can take one second too long to light a match and could potentially hurt themselves. Your older children can be closer to the action while fireworks are going off, but be sure to have them be spectators, not participants. 

Enjoying the Show!

If you are ready to hit the town and watch the big fireworks show, be mindful of your children and how they may react to the fireworks themselves. This can be especially important if your children are younger, and even if they already saw fireworks previously. Sometimes it is the change of environment, or location, that can make them louder or scarier to children, who are too young to understand what is happening. Of course, you can always reassure them, and some children may get used to the noise and stop being bothered (and even enjoy it!). 

But there may be some children who are too scared by the noise or could even become overstimulated by all the “action”. Some children with autism can get overwhelmed not just by the noise of the fireworks, but the noise and amount of people gathered, and the visuals of the fireworks themselves. It is important to understand when your child may have had enough and remove them from the situation before they get too overwhelmed and stressed. For some kids though, they may have a grand time watching all the sights and sounds of the lovely fireworks! 

Remember to be mindful of your children’s feelings and safety this 4th of July in order to have a banging celebration!

Katie Kyzivat