If you’ve never heard of the SAT Subject Test, here’s how to get ahead of the game and improve your chances when you take the final SAT college prep test. It’s simple – goto: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register. Scroll down to the “Upcoming Test Dates” chart. Column 2 of this chart allows you to check on available subject tests and provides test dates for each test. Easy!

What is the SAT Subject Test?

The SAT test, as administered by the College Board, is the only national college admissions test where you are allowed to start as early as your junior or senior year to take “Subject Tests” to assist you in getting ready for the final exam. You can choose the practice tests that best suit your knowledge and skill base. Some colleges recommend including the results of one or more of the practice tests as part of your application – some colleges even require that you take those practice tests that best showcase your knowledge and talents.

Which SAT Subject Tests Should You Take?

Questions included in SAT Subject Tests are based on educational material from classes you are already taking! So the best way to get ready for these tests is to pay attention in class and learn everything you can about the course. These tests can be a great way to show off your knowledge on various topics – and you can take any subject test you think will make you look fantastic to college admissions offices!

What if English is My Second Language?

Not a problem. The SAT Subject Tests will give you the opportunity to show off your bi-lingual or multi-lingual language skills. Just check with the colleges you’re interested in attending to find out what their policies are related to SAT Subject Tests in foreign languages. And – unlike traditional standardized tests that are generally reliant on English mastery, subject tests can help you “show off” your skills in other areas such as math, science or foreign languages.

When Can I Take SAT Subject Tests?

SAT Subject Tests are offered six times a year. Every test is not offered during every session, so it’s important that you pay attention to the  test schedules on the College Board website (http://sat.collegeboard.org/register) so you have plenty of time to sign up for the specific tests you want to include in your college application materials.

Global Student Network offers a powerful SAT Score Booster Study Program that is designed to meet your personal learning needs and maximize your test preparation. Our online SAT study system provides you with 100s of expert lesson videos, 1000s of practice questions, and a great list of “need to know” tips and strategies to help you increase your overall scores.