Helping Your Child Feel Connected in Distance Learning

Helping Your Child Feel Connected in Distance Learning

Even with the world becoming ever-more open post Covid, many schools have still relied heavily on distance learning. It’s a great way to continue education if a school is still reluctant to dive head first into re-opening their doors. But it can also be a little...
Helping Your Child Learn to Read and Write

Helping Your Child Learn to Read and Write

Keeping learning fun for your child can be quite easy when you know how to shape the learning. As kids get older and start noticing you type, text, or read something, they start to get curious. They want to know what you are saying to others or reading, and will put...
Finding Books Your Kid Will Read

Finding Books Your Kid Will Read

Whether you have an avid reader or a child who doesn’t like to read, the spectrum of available books can be a tad overwhelming. How do you find titles that work within your child’s reading level but also helps them progress? What if they’re reading at a higher level...
What AI Can Bring to Teaching

What AI Can Bring to Teaching

With all the ways that digital technology is improving the world, it’s worth noting how much of a change is happening in teaching and schools. What once was a strict brick-and-mortar, lecture-based learning regimen has evolved to include in-home learning with a...
Instilling Self-Advocacy to Your Grade-Schooler

Instilling Self-Advocacy to Your Grade-Schooler

We may forget our grade school days of self-discovery and finding your voice. It can be difficult for some kids to come into their own, and speak up for themselves. If you have a grade-schooler at home, now is the time to make sure they’re getting comfortable in their...
SAT Cramming Sessions for your Teen

SAT Cramming Sessions for your Teen

Whether your teen was studying dutifully up until the day of the exam, or they are waiting last minute, there’s always going to be cramming sessions for the SAT exam. But what’s the best way to tackle all that information and help your teen do the best that they can?...