Why Teach A Foreign Language To Homeschoolers?

Why Teach A Foreign Language To Homeschoolers?

THE LANGUAGE LEARNING GAP IN THE U.S. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 60 million Americans speak a language other than English at home. But more than 231 million speak only English at home, and don’t know another language well enough to use it for...
Education Trends This Year

Education Trends This Year

Every parent knows that schools are undergoing a massive overhaul in their education systems. For years, teaching kids has been pretty much the same since our parents were taught. Schools and educators now know that these methods do not work for every child, and that...
The Reading Program that Works for Your Kid

The Reading Program that Works for Your Kid

If your child is struggling to read, there are many different routes you can take to help them out. Whether you are leaning towards a full-blown tutor or simply adding more reading into their day, there is a way to help them succeed! Figuring Out the Challenges First...
Tech and Schools: What’s to Come

Tech and Schools: What’s to Come

More and more, technology is increasing in today’s schools and only gaining popularity. It is a great tool to help keep student’s more involved and active in their teaching and schoolwork, both in and out of the classroom. But will technology keep increasing each...
Teaching Your Kids Other Country’s Beliefs

Teaching Your Kids Other Country’s Beliefs

It can be easy to fall into your normal routines and beliefs without so much as a second glance to what someone else may believe or be experiencing. But it can be detrimental to you and your family if you are always stuck in your own mindset and belief system. It can...
Everything About the ACT

Everything About the ACT

Whether your teen is days away from taking the ACT or even years away, it can never be a bad idea to brush up on the ins and outs of the ACT. Many teenagers get nervous about taking the test and want to do good, and will rely on you to help them out. If you have a...