Engaged Learners

Engaged Learners

Far too often, we as parents find our children struggling in certain subjects or certain teachers. It is by no means at the fault of the teachers, the students, or even the subject matter. It all boils down to learning styles and different ways of learning and...
Starting with Homeschooling

Starting with Homeschooling

When starting down the road to homeschooling your kids, there can be a hundred questions swimming around in your head about where to begin. Your children could be in Kindergarten or high school (or both!) and you wonder where to even start. Although a lot depends on...
Back to School at Home

Back to School at Home

With the start of the school year comes the potential for at-home learning again. Many schools have been back to the brick and mortar buildings for years now, but Covid still persists, hitting certain areas and neighborhoods consistently. With this uptick in Covid...
Achievement Tests

Achievement Tests

No matter what grade your child is in, be prepared for achievement tests to begin almost as soon as the school year starts. Chances are you remember taking tests while in school too, nervous about how well you will do and how well you remember the information being...
Your College Bound Kid

Your College Bound Kid

It may seem like just yesterday when your child was in diapers, or taking their first step, and now they are taking their first step out into the real world. They may be going to a college five minutes away or one fifteen hundred miles away, but no matter the distance...
Fun Science Projects

Fun Science Projects

If you have a teen who’s either in public school or homeschooling, chances are there is going to be a science project coming up soon. And while you can always whip up a volcanic eruption, your teen may want to try something different. There is a plethora of ideas out...