It’s time for high school juniors and seniors to begin the process of applying for college semesters that begin in the fall of 2024 and winter of 2025.  Admissions advisors recommend that students begin applying for college admission late in their junior year and no...
Mother’s Day Activities

Mother’s Day Activities

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and you may be waiting patiently for a little rest and relaxation. But you may have younger children at home, or are a single parent, or simply want to spend some fun time with your kids on Mother’s Day. There are plenty of...
Differing Communication Styles

Differing Communication Styles

Being able to effectively communicate is a must for any child, whether it is to simply have their voice heard or to properly learn in school. Some kids can be very bashful or struggle in communicating their thoughts or emotions, and it is up to us as parents to help...
Showing Kids How to Be Persistent

Showing Kids How to Be Persistent

As children grow up, they may not always be aware of how important persistence can be in their daily lives. Children can be stubborn and want things for themselves, but there is a big difference between wanting something and striving for something.  Laser Focused When...
Celebrating Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day

Towards the end of this month we celebrate Earth Day, a great way to learn and appreciate everything this planet has provided us with. Whether your children are young or old, there are plenty of ways to help them show their appreciation of this glorious green Earth. ...
Good Money Habits for Kids

Good Money Habits for Kids

Finances can be tricky for adults of any age, let alone when it comes time to teaching your children about money! But don’t worry, making sure your kids have a good clear and basic understanding of money can help them get set for success no matter what career they...