I can not deny my addiction to quality homeschool supplies. I take all boxes of books offered. I accept every math manipulative and books printed by certain publishers without a second consideration. I will also dig through every shelf and bin down to the very bottom to be sure there isn’t an amazing science kit lurking in the corners. There are others like me, and I might just elbow them out of the way if needed. Also, I will not discourage this absurd behavior if I see it in others.
I jest. Somewhat.
When it comes to homeschool supplies and curriculum, I do have a habit of collecting ridiculous amounts of it. I’ll be honest. And, I do admit that there is a true line that can be easily crossed when it comes to hoarding….ahem….collecting supplies and things you need in the future. Even though that line is rather bold, it can often be ignored. There are pros and cons to being a homeschool junkie. Perhaps you find yourself becoming a junkie too.
Let’s go ahead and discuss the cons first, then they will be out of our way. Oddly enough, “out of the way” is probably the biggest negative about living the homeschool supply junkie lifestyle; it’s hard to keep it “out of the way”. The piles grow (and topple, at times) and overtake whatever space they are allowed to occupy. Closet doors bulge and shelves wain under the weight of all of the glorious books and topic-specific encyclopedias. Other than books, controlling the hard-to-organize manipulatives, science kits in plastic baggies, and never-ending art supplies become an endeavor in containing the uncontainable. Lastly, the sheer amount of what one can potentially own can make it nearly impossible to catalog or remember each item. Junkies of this sort typically own multiples of the same item.
Now, for the positive reasons to becoming a junkie, accidentally or otherwise. Being a true homeschool collector allows for a bit of frugality. Let’s face it. Homeschooling can be super expensive. And while I am all about my kids having a broad exposure to as much as I can provide them, I also realize there is a limit to my budget. Accepting any and all boxes of homeschool stuff can come in handy when building a collection. Additionally, if you are the spur of the moment type teacher, having a wide variety of options on hand when the mo-jo kicks in is super nice. A serious homeschool supply junkie rarely has to stop the lesson to run to the store for an item. He or she just braces themselves to open the storage closet door and dig out that random required supply. Additionally, when one has a huge stash of good stuff, it becomes easier to share the wealth. I have built many boxes of tools or books for new homeschoolers who find themselves needing many things all at once or want to explore what certain books or sets are like before purchasing a set for themselves.
If the spectrum runs from bare bones to full out hoarder, where do you see yourself? Do you find yourself attracted to all things education-related? Or perhaps you are more interested in just the curriculum books? What are the things that are hard to pass up for you?
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Lindsay Banton is a caffeinated mother to three great kids. She never expected to homeschool, but has found that it is a wonderful addition to their lifestyle and wouldn’t change it for the world. In addition to homeschooling, Lindsay works alongside her husband in campus ministry at a large university in Connecticut. She grew up in Virginia but has settled into life in New England, learning to love the long winters, cool springs, green summers and gorgeous autumns- and has built a boot collection to meet all the demands. She is currently blogging at www.lindsaybanton.com.