Locked out of test?

Home Technical Support Apex Learning Locked out of test?

Student progress can be blocked due for three reasons. The student did not achieve mastery on an assignment after two attempts, the student is trying to access an assignment that is due more than three days in advance to the present date or the teacher has locked the assignment.

  1. If a student does not achieve mastery on a quiz after two attempts their progress will be blocked. You will need to login to your teacher account and permit progress.  For instructions to permit progress: Login as a teacher and click Help on the top right.  Click Help Home then enter “Permit progress” in the search bar on the top right.
  2. If the student is ahead in the course and trying to access an assignment that is due more than three days in advance you will need to adjust the due dates. To adjust the due dates: Login as a teacher and click Help on the top right.  Click Help Home then enter “Due Dates” in the search bar on the top right.
  3. To unlock an assignment that has been locked: Login as a teacher and click Help on the top right. Click Help Home then enter “Proctor Control” in the search bar on the top right.