Reading is one of the most important parts of early childhood education, but it can be tough for some preschoolers to concentrate while reading. If this is affecting your child, here are a few ways you can help them focus and get the most out of their reading. 


Take Plenty of Breaks

It’s hard for kids to sit still for very long. Forcing them to read for long stretches of time will probably take any fun out of it and make the task even more difficult to focus on. Schedule reading breaks every 15-20 minutes and encourage your child to move around during these breaks. Regular movement can help children stay more focused on other tasks and it will make reading feel less like a chore. 


Give Them Some Control

While you shouldn’t let unenthusiastic readers completely skip out on the reading, dealing with this activity like a homework assignment will probably make your child feel like it’s a chore. The education process will be more enjoyable for both of you if your kid feels involved with their reading. Let them pick from a selection of books that talk about their interests. You should also read with your child and do fun things like let them voice their favorite characters. This will help promote the idea that they are choosing to read and they will be more excited about it. 


Minimize Distractions

Give your child a quiet spot to read without any noises or distractions that can sometimes make it difficult to focus. You may want to set up a designated reading nook that is far from busy rooms of the house (kitchen, family room, etc.) and has no TV or electronics present. Some light meditation or piano music may also help improve concentration. 


Make it Fun

Reading should be enjoyable, so try to find ways your child will look forward to the activity every day! You can make a reading schedule with prize incentives when books are finished or celebrate the accomplishment by watching a TV show or movie based on the book they read. Ask your child to tell you about what they’re reading and to explain the story to you. Take them to the bookstore and let them buy one book every month that they will be excited to read. Be creative in helping your child foster a love of reading during this important part of early childhood education. 


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