Children are getting more and more opportunities these days in the myriad ways of teaching styles and curriculum. Not only is technology pushing forward with more advances every day, but even the pandemic caused a shift in learning. Having children learn at home may not have felt like progress to you, but it’s definitely coming a long way, thanks to personalized adaptive learning.

What Is Personalized Adaptive Learning?

This newer style of approaching learning is really helping students grasp and retain information on their terms. Personalized Adaptive Learning is a software platform that changes and adapts to the ways a child learns. It’s more individualized to each student and their learning capabilities as it allows them to progress on their own speed, skills, and knowledge. It may still be a little tricky for some students to navigate, depending on how motivated they are to continue on with their studies with little hands-on learning. But when COVID-19 hit, schools were faced with no education or adaptive learning for students, and of course there’s always going to be a solution. 

Incorporating More Personalized Learning

No matter how your child is currently learning, you can incorporate more personalized and adaptive learning into their programs. If they’re attending public school, ask about the opportunities that are available to them. Many schools are back in business, and learning is back in the classroom. But there are some schools that are still doing some form of hybrid learning, where they may attend school for part of the week, and complete other schoolwork and assignments at home. There may be adaptive learning opportunities from this form of schooling, so be sure to know how your child best learns. Some schools may have a harder time getting the funding for more personalized learning models and curriculum, so it’s good to be aware of the situation. If you are currently homeschooling, there are many programs online that can give your child a more adaptive learning experience. Keep in mind, though, that every child learns differently, and just because it’s adaptive and personalized, doesn’t mean it may be the best course of teaching your child. There are many children that learn best from being taught in-person, and have a hard time following directions and learning platforms on their own. They may lose interest or may not fully understand the module and keep forging ahead, leaving more questions than answers. 

Helping Your Child Succeed

Knowing what’s best for your child is always the best course of action, no matter how alluring and progressive a certain learning platform may be. It may still not fulfill some basic learning needs of your child, and thus not be worth the added effort of implementing it into your child’s curriculum.   

Katie Kyzivat