Whether your teen was studying dutifully up until the day of the exam, or they are waiting last minute, there’s always going to be cramming sessions for the SAT exam. But what’s the best way to tackle all that information and help your teen do the best that they can? Continue reading for some tips and tricks!
Trouble Areas
First and foremost, make sure your teen is focusing on those areas or subjects that are particularly tricky for them. If they aren’t well-formed in math or spelling, for instance, then they should spend a good chunk of time studying math and focusing on spelling memorization. There’s usually one subject that most teens struggle with, and to feel better prepared come test time, these tricky subjects can be a main focus for your teen.
Remember that memorization can only work so well as long as you’re not overworking yourself. Make sure your teen is taking breaks in-between studying materials, and staying hydrated and well-fed. Studying or cramming on low sleep and food will not really help your teen in the long run!
Practice Tests
Cramming usually revolves around memorization and reading whole textbooks in one sitting. And while this is definitely worthwhile, there is a lot to be said on practice tests. Your teen can read whole textbooks to get a super in-depth understanding of the material, but it may end up being information overload and the test itself can only cover so much. But when you take practice tests, these can give your teen a better idea of how the test itself will feel. They will not know exactly what kind of material to learn from the tests, but having that test to read through and get into the phrasing and wording of tests can help your teen get into the test-taking mindset.
Teens can even reference prior tests from some of their classes in order to prepare. Tests they took in the classroom can potentially carry over in the SAT. It may also remind them of certain keywords or specific material that was taught, and that they may need to go over it again.
Stay Calm
And remember for both you and your teen, the importance of remaining calm. No matter how much cramming and preparing your teen may do, it will do them no good if they aren’t rested, hydrated, and calm. It can be tricky to maintain their composure, but make sure to help your teen prepare by being that calm force they may need to succeed!
Katie Kyzivat