As with all areas of life, there are many options to fill our homeschool day. We have endless amount of curriculum and textbook options to pick from. The methodologies available from which to select are numerous. We have loads of choices of online coursework and digital teachers. Office supplies stores are packed to the brim with too many varieties of binders, pens, qualities of printer paper, and every shape of crayon possible. We have invitations to participate in co-ops, parties, classes, gatherings, and cohorts locally. We are practically swimming in all of the things.
When one stops to think about all of the choices we have to pick from, he or she can quickly become overwhelmed with how and what to pick for our kids. But, at some point, we just have to select the curriculum, the binder, the private music teacher, and the shape of crayon so that we can move along with our day. But how?
A little while ago, I realized that every time I said “yes” to something, I also said “no” to everything else. When I said yes to joining my co-op, I also said no to all the other co-ops, classes offered during that time, and even time spent at our school table doing our table work. I realized that my Tuesday afternoon violin lesson schedule prevented us from being able to participate in anything that happened on Tuesdays. This realization caused me to become very selective, and almost picky, when I made choices for my family, for our homeschool, and for myself. Each moment, or hour, or day can only hold so much and we should be mindful about what fills our calendar.
When we become aware that our “yes” to one thing actually means “no” to something else, we can begin to be proactive with how we are spending our time. Time is, in fact, supposed to be spent rather than wasted. Unhurried time or intentional time is not wasted time….and imagine how wonderful a learning environment we can provide our kids when we protect their time and we can teach them how to wisely fill a calendar with good, life-giving, and healthy things.
So, where do you see yourself needed to make choices and say yes to something, yet you may not really know what to say yes to? How can we assess which is the best way to spend our time? Are the ways you spend your homeschool hours having the impact or meeting the goals you wish to be meeting? What can you change in order to meet those goals?
Need help to decide whether online learning is a “Yes”? Click here to learn more. Don’t forget to try a demo!
Lindsay Banton is a caffeinated mother to three great kids. She never expected to homeschool, but has found that it is a wonderful addition to their lifestyle and wouldn’t change it for the world. In addition to homeschooling, Lindsay works alongside her husband in campus ministry at a large university in Connecticut. She grew up in Virginia but has settled into life in New England, learning to love the long winters, cool springs, green summers and gorgeous autumns- and has built a boot collection to meet all the demands. She is currently blogging at