Cooking can be a great opportunity to learn and experience a whole new world of cuisines and techniques. Whether you are a skilled pro in the kitchen or are wanting to spend more time cooking rather than eating out or making quick meals, cooking in house can be a fun and teachable moment for both you and your kids!
Getting Started
If you are more of a novice when it comes to cooking, there is no problem with that at all! It can be a fun experience for your kids to see you learning alongside with them. It can also be a great bonding experience when you’re all huddled around a recipe, figuring out the next steps. Before you set to baking or cooking, though, you’ll want to make sure you have all the staples available so you’re not rushing or having to figure out alternatives to any ingredients.
A Game of Memory
Have your kids help you figure out what you need through a good mini-lesson on some basics ingredients and tools of the kitchen. Have them help you find a blender, various baking pans, a mixer, and any other smaller appliances you have throughout the kitchen. Also have them learn what a whisk is, along with a spatula, a baster, a potato masher, a juicer, and fruit and potato peelers, at least to start with. If your kids are a little young to really get into the prep, they can at least learn the tools and can help by giving you the appropriate utensils while you’re cooking or baking. Once that’s done, then make your way into the pantry and make sure you’re well-stocked with flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and powder, spices, eggs, and more!
Getting Your Hands Dirty
Now that your kitchen is prepped and ready to go, have your kids help you find recipes that sound enticing for dinner. You can always start with slightly easier recipes and then work your way up to the more complicated ones. If your kids are old enough, they can read the beginning of the recipe out loud while you gather some of the supplies and ingredients (or vice versa!). Depending on the age of your kids, they can help mix, chop, saute, or baste! You and your kids can learn how much fun and how much tastier homemade food can be!
Katie Kyzivat