YouTube is a great resource that every homeschool parent should be aware of. When used in the hands of an adult, this online platform can be used to teach everything from craft projects to science facts to, yep, geography. If you’re teaching this subject to your kids and they aren’t feeling it, a fun YouTube channel may be just the way to reel them back in. Here are the best geography channels to check out and use as part of your curriculum.


Geography Now

The host of this channel is so passionate about geography that you can’t help but like it when he teaches. Your kids will stay engaged and eager to keep learning. Subject matter includes countries, regions, flags, and even some culture. There are hours and hours of content to work from.


GEOgraphy Focus

This channel features both city and country videos from Asia, Europe, and South America. There are also a few FAQ videos like “What is the Tallest Building in the World?” and “What is the Richest Country in the World?” Each video is relatively short so they’re easy to add to your normal curriculum.


Global Wonders Series

This channel is pretty old and doesn’t have many videos, but the ones they have uploaded are great. All videos are animated and short, which draws kids in and keeps their interest. They focus on different cultures from around the world, so they’re a great channel to add to your geography course.


National Geographic Kids

National Geographic has set a strong reputation for being the leader in world exploration. Their kids’ channel does a fantastic job of taking young ones all over the world right from their living room. Some videos also feature partnerships with brands like LEGO and Barbie, which will help keep your kiddos engaged if they’re fans of those companies.