Recognizing Learning Disabilities

Recognizing Learning Disabilities

Children, whether your own or your children’s friends, come in all shapes and sizes. They are all going to be unique and beautiful representations of who they are as individuals. The best way you can support them is to let them be themselves, flaws and all. If you...
Parents Saving For College Earlier

Parents Saving For College Earlier

With rising college costs, you and your partner may be realizing the need to start saving earlier for your children’s education. With rising costs happening on many products, college tuition is included as well. Whether you have been thinking about saving early or...
Goals Instead of Resolutions

Goals Instead of Resolutions

Every year it is always the same – people tend to look inward and focus on what resolutions they can put into place for the coming year. But resolutions are not always a good thing, and oftentimes will be left by the wayside after a few months. If your older kids are...
Dyslexia: Everything to Know

Dyslexia: Everything to Know

Many children struggle with comprehending, writing and reading. This can always be due to a wide variety of causes, and some can be internal while others can be external. Sometimes, though, children may be dealing with dyslexia and not even be aware of it, which can...
Three Popular College Majors

Three Popular College Majors

If your teen is already thinking about college, the most important decision to make first is picking a major of study. It can seem tricky for a lot of kids to try and narrow down what they want to do in life at such a young age, and may be feeling the pressure....
How Handwriting is Still Necessary

How Handwriting is Still Necessary

Your children may scoff upon hearing about the power of the pen, but it is true. Handwriting is a skill, but also a necessary skill when it comes to education and learning. Kids may turn their noses at a pen and paper, instead turning to the nearest laptop, tablet, or...